Absolutely a mixed bag in the way that only an anthology can be. There’s some stories in here that I really didn’t like—I hated “Our Lady of the Open Road,” it just felt crushingly depressing all the way through.
And then there’s some that I really liked. The final story, “And Then There Were (N-One),” was absolutely masterful: a murder mystery set at an interdimensional continuum for various iterations of one person. Now that is a concept!
Weirdly, the ones that I quite liked were the ones about grief. “In Joy, Knowing the Abyss Behind,” and “The Narwhal” were both really touching pieces about loss. “Remembery Day” was beautiful and aching and sad. And I loved it. Usually I don’t; usually I want upbeat things to read. But it worked.
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This was a fun little swords-and-sorcery isekai kind of thing, which mostly did a good job of taking those tropes and twisting them a little bit. The wizard feels like a less-self-serious Gandalf, and the fact that it takes them a few tries to actually wind up isekai’d, after the wizard himself pops over to our world for a bit, adds some fun variation.
It does, however, still feel like a book written in the 80s; the feminist qualities to it feel very Second Wave Feminism in a way that I don’t dislike, but does date it. The biggest failing, to my mind, was that despite being in a different world with a very different history, there’s still a recognizably Christian church running around. It was mostly okay, being a sort of vaguely monotheistic part of the pastiche of western European medieval tropes… right up until there were mentions of people crossing themselves. That’s what kicked me into “okay, wait, how did the same gesture wind up as the holy thing?”
That aside, it was a fun book. And the big bad being ancient lovecraftian horrors was a nice twist, too; made it bad bedtime reading, but an interesting bit of variety. Check it out.1
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I quite liked this—the three arcs it’s split into each feel different in a fun way, and expand on the universe more.1 Bouncing back and forth between two viewpoint characters also worked very well, and the fact that both of them are the “Proxies”, supporting their “Primes”, the ones who are very clearly driving the action most of the way through, made it all the more interesting. It captures a little bit of that space opera “there’s a lot of big things happening in the background” feeling, whilst staying very close to the action.
Overall, I enjoyed the heck out of this one; it’s significantly longer than my last couple reads, but that didn’t stop me from plowing through it in a single day. Definitely a page-turner. Check it out.2
I’m quite curious if this counts as taking place in the same universe as Scarlett Odyssey – it seems very possible, the magic system in that feels very “sufficiently advanced technology. ↩
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This was a fun little novella. Emperor Norton is such a character that he feels like he should be completely fictional, but is, in fact, an actual historical figure. And Williams did a good job of working around my issue with historical fiction—the rule to time travel appears to be “you can’t change what’s in the historical record,” but thanks to, y’know, there not being cameras around all the time in 1910, it’s easy to fudge things. Steal an artifact from the past? No worries, the building burned down shortly afterwards, destroying all the evidence.
It’s a fun and hopeful little story, I quite liked it. Give it a go.1
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This book caught my attention so much more thoroughly than I expected it to. The magic system is fascinating: we start off with the titular character, a spellbreaker—one of a small group of people born with the natural ability to break spells cast by others. And, as it turns out, to sense their presence in a way that the actual spellcasters (or, as they’re called, aspectors) cannot. It goes into more detail: there’s four types of spells, and the way the casting system works feels… honestly a great deal like it was originally designed to be the setting for a videogame. Learn a spell by consuming Magic Points, and then after that you can cast it at will until you’re tired out and need to rest? That’s a writer, explaining a game mechanic.
So, we have a fascinating setting. And then we have two fascinating characters: Bacchus Kelsey, a wealthy scion, up for his mastery examinations in magic… and running face-first into a wall of “it is the 1800s and Britain is very racist”. And then there’s Elsie Camden, the (illegally) unregistered spellbreaker, who lives a double life. Mild-mannered—or rather, well-raised and -behaved—administrative assistant by day, vigilante spellbreaker by night, going on secretive missions to help the downtrodden masses. Magic, after all, may be magic, but it’s also a form of power… and power corrupts.
I was locked in to the book fairly early on, but by the end I couldn’t put it down. An absolutely delightful read, I highly encourage you to check it out.1
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A quick read, but a very enjoyable one. It’s a bit of a medical mystery, but mostly what it’s about is the experience of being… well, going into the author’s note at the end, of being Persian. Of being an oppressed minority… whilst also being aware that your people were once the oppressors.
The linguistics and magic were both very interesting, and I found all the characters to be well-developed. Definitely worth the read.1
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The ‘jumping the shark’ moment for this book was in the appearance of one of the Pern books in-universe. A bit on the nose to have your “fantasy setting, but it’s actually another planet that got colonized by humans before the big civilization collapsed” book feature, as one of the Ancient Artifacts… a book about the exact same concept. In this case, the threat is still unknown, but we do get to see it, and it’s a bit more… active than thread.
That said, I did really enjoy the setting; I’m a firm believer in the whole “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” thing, and dropping the general level of technology available to people lowers the threshold on “sufficiently advanced” enough to make it more recognizable.
It also helps that the love arc here was just… hilarious. I quite liked all the characters, and seeing them interact, but the fact that there’s at least one love triangle, one member of whom keeps thinking about jumping ship to a different love triangle, makes it fun.
Overall, I quite enjoyed the book; my main complaint is that it’s an entire book’s worth of setup, and the payoff is going to happen in, presumably, the third book of the trilogy. I’d rather one long book to three medium-short ones. Still, a fun little fantasy/science fiction thing, worth a try.1
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I started to get more into this book the further I read; it starts off as a spy drama kind of thing, and transitions into being a guerrilla warfare story instead. It’s an interesting setting—a conquered Terran Empire, and a resistance trying to accomplish anything, really, from amidst the ruins. The lost blackcollars, elite, superhuman warriors trained in ancient forms of combat, combines well with that setting to make me think, as I’m reading the author’s bio and seeing how much Star Wars he’s written, “oh, of course.” It does, indeed, feel like a homier version of that story, including some attempts at the “I am your father” level twist.
It was a fun read, worth the time I’d say. Check it out!1
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I’ve kinda got to enjoy a book that makes me think about what the pluralization of “apotheosis” is.1
This feels like it was inspired by Song of Achilles—or, at least, it’s within that same “let’s tell one of the ancient Greek myths in a way it hasn’t been told before” genre. It’s the story about the end of Cronus’ reign, about Zeus coming to power… but it’s from the point of view of a woman living under the Cronus regime, and boy, does he ever not believe in women’s rights. The latest in women’s fashion is self-mutilation in hopes that it’ll avoid catching his eye; “property rights for women” is a discussion of how many women a man can own. Not… a great place to live.
In that depressing setting, I did find the story rather fun. The romance arc was… confused, at best? There’s a clear romance arc, and then there’s the actual mythology, and they didn’t align super well. But then, what’s a retold myth without artistic license?
All in all, this was a fairly fun read; give it a go.2
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Y’know, I’m really not sure why I’m surprised that I’m just feeling unsettled at the end of this book. It features not one but two distinct zombie apocalypses, and both “zombie” and “apocalypse” are, independently, genres that I don’t enjoy. I quite liked the second protagonist, and the first one was… interesting, if less likable, certainly a more fleshed-out character than I’d expect to see in a book this short, but it doesn’t really balance out my usual response to zombie things of “kill it with nuclear fire.”
I really wasn’t sure what to expect from this book; turns out, it was amazing. Four different stories, told in five parts, and they all pieced together beautifully.
It starts with the meta-story, the one we see a vignette from every couple years along the timeline, with a historian going to space. Then, the first half of the book she’s writing, a translation, another translation, and the second half of the book.
And let me tell you, that first transition, where she comes up from writing the first book and decides to tackle another project, and it’s a timeskip of a five-digit number of years into the past? A heck of a change, but it all made sense by the end. Each piece forms the context for the others, so that by the end you’re feeling things snapping together, waiting for characters a little bit in the past to figure out things that happened long in the past, but a little after the bit we got to read through… oh, what a delightful mystery.
I also found the writing style incredibly enjoyable. It is… heavy on the As You Know, Bob. Which I was briefly annoyed by, then quickly came to love, and much later realized actually makes sense within the context of the book—it’s a book within a book. In the meta-story, the historian never does this; but each of the books she’s writing are for a specific audience, who will almost certainly not know the sorts of things she’s talking about. In light of that, it becomes “As You Know, Bob,” but I’m in on the joke that it’s for the in-universe readers of her book. And, aside from that, it was just a lovely expression of “oh yeah, Buzz Goddamn Aldrin is a coauthor of this thing.” In places it feels like each chapter is 3 pages of plot and then 17 pages of detailed explanation of orbital mechanics, or how a spaceplane works, or what policy changes would be necessary to create this lovely science-fiction future. It’s the feeling of in conversation realizing that a) this person is an expert on something and b) you’ve just set them off on it and now you’re coming along for a very educational ride. I love those moments.
Overall, I absolutely loved this book. It got weird, and it was fun, and I loved it. It’s hopeful science fiction, and I adore that kind of thing. Check it out.1
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I bounced off this book at first—it opens with a very violent scene, and that put me off for quite a while. Fortunately for this book, though, that happened right as I was going into one of my “I need to reread the Circle of Magic books” phases, so instead of completely putting it away, I wound up setting it aside for long enough to forget why I hadn’t finished it, and gave it another go. And as it turns out, it got a lot more interesting from there!
Broadly, what’s sticking with me here at the end of the book is the dreamlike quality of the world. There’s a poetry to it; the titular Forever Rains are a decade-long rainstorm brought about by grief bolstered with magic. Everything about the magic system, really, has that feeling to it—that whatever rules there may be, they only exist to service the story. Unlike most soft magic systems like that, though, it isn’t “the author can change the rules for the sake of the story,” it really feels more like “within this world, magic changes the rules of magic for the sake of whatever story it’s trying to tell.”
It made for a fun read; Lark, the protagonist, is a delight, and reading her interactions with her sisters brought a smile to my face. So, if you don’t mind the occasional bit of violence, I can recommend the book. Check it out.1
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I might have to go back and reread the first chapter now that I’ve finished this, just so I can understand what all was going on. The point-of-view protagonist spends that whole time talking a mile a minute, and there’s so much background that you don’t know yet that it’s rather overwhelming. Though, given that it’s a scene of someone being dropped off for a new apprenticeship, feeling overwhelmed is probably about right.
There’s a definite mystery vibe to this one, though it’s a cold case, as well as something of a coming-of-age. Really, quite a lot to shove into this short a book. It was an interesting read, though, and at least one reveal had me going back like “oh, that’s what that was about! oh! oh.” Check it out.1
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Oh dear, it has been four years since I read the first two books in this trilogy, no wonder it took me so long to remember who any of the characters were or what had been going on.
That said, after an adjustment period of the first part of the book to remember what was going on and who any of these people were, I quite enjoyed it. There’s solid closure for some of the lingering threads that I remember cropping up in the first book, which was quite nice to see, as well as some additional characters being brought in to add some more to it.
Switching from POV to POV was a bit rough at times, but Rowell used it well—so many opportunities for cliffhangers!
I enjoyed the whole concept of this series, really. It came from another of Rowell’s books, where what these books are was a fanfiction being written by the protagonist of that book. Very clearly meant to be an homage to the whole Harry Potter fandom, without incurring the wrath of She Who Must Not Be Named. But instead of writing the children’s book series, we have the final book and then the epilogue.1 Because, hey, a child soldier? They’re not exactly gonna be in a great place, mentally at the end of their war. Can’t really hand-wave past a decade of trauma. These characters deserve time to work through that.
Anyhow, I really enjoyed this book. What’s not to like? There’s a whole scene that I’d describe as “divorce court in Hell,” which I’d call a B-plot, roughly, but with the POV swapping you can kinda choose whichever plotline you’d like as the A-plot. So many choices! Give it a go.2
The Harry Potter epilogue (and later sequel) being so bad that there’s a whole “Epilogue? What Epilogue?” tag. ↩
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This was one of the free books that Amazon hands out every month as part of Prime, which meant my expectations were low—there’s the occasional gem in there, but on average, those books tend to feel rather bland. They’re aimed at the widest possible audience, so of course they’re generic.
This, though? This was a delight. The fact that two of the three protagonists were a gay couple was already putting it in the top 10% of Free Prime Books for me. That trio felt something like a Venn diagram to me—these two are queer, these two come across as being autistic, these two are part of the upper class but looked down upon for not being old white guys. It feels all the more progressive for being set in the late 1800s; everyone is so concerned with scandal, and for the majority of the book the scandal is simply that gasp, a woman is interested in science? Doesn’t show know that’s not a feminine interest? The shame!
I almost bounced off this book, at the beginning. It’s a rough time for me to be reading a book that has a scene of someone listening to a loved one breathe their last. I’m glad I kept with it, though—not just because of the aforementioned delightful setting and characters, but because so much of the book was about Beth fighting for her right to grieve, and doing so in the way that was right for her.
So, for that, and all the other things, I absolutely loved this book. It’s so rare that my “why don’t you just-“ mutterings at the book actually turn out to be what they do, and work great for everyone. If I’ve got my scheduling right, it’s only available for pre-order at the moment, but I think it’s well worth it; check it out.1
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